Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, H.P. Attwater, Letter, 1905, Jan. 23
Southern Pacific Sunset Route T. J. Anderson, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Joseph Hellen, Ass’t Gen’l Passenger and Ticket Agent. H. P. Attwater, Industrial Agent.
Form 1120 Southern Pacific “Sunset Route.” Passenger Traffic Department.
Houston, Texas, Jan. 23rd., 1905.
Mr. Lawrence Brunner, State University, Lincoln, Neb.
My dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge with thanks the copy of your “Birds of Nebraska”, I am particularly pleased with the article on page 5 in reference to agricuture &c. My duties and work as Industrial Agent of the Southern Pacific occupy my entire time and attention, and prevent me from taking as active a part in bird matters as I would like to, but I hope to have time in the future to give attention to this important subject. Yours very truly, H. P. Attwater INDUSTRIAL AGENT.