Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

Sigma Delta Epsilon

Organization Meeting Minutes, 1926-1927

Minutes from Dec. 9, 1926 to Feb. 28, 1935 Constitution and Membership list are in the middle of the book.                    

Minutes for the First Meeting Temple Building Dec. 9, 1926

There present were as follows: Miss Lulu Runge Mathematics Miss Esther Anderson Geography Miss L. B. Walker Botany Miss Besse Whitney Chemistry Miss Helen Burrill Geography Miss Emma Anderson Botany Miss C.A Barbour Geology Dr. E.R. Walker Botany Miss Elizabeth Hartman Botany Miss Ruth Meier Botany Miss Eleanor Laurey Botany Dr. E. McEwan Geology Miss Viola Jelinek Chemistry Miss Britney At six-thirty the above group met at the Temple, went down the line for food and ate at one large table. Dr. E.R. Walker read the letter sent to her inquiring as to whether Nebraska does not fill the need or desire to have a chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon. She also read her reply to the letter which included questions regarding the organization
Dr. E.R. Walker also read the constitution of Sigma Delta Epsilon. Then the advisability of having a chapter was discussed. All present agreed that the organization would do much to acquaint the graduate and faculty scientific women of the various departments. It was also pointed out that thru such organization visiting scientific women might be entertained. Miss Esther Anderson told of the work and the nature of the meetings of the Wisconsin chapter of which she is a member. Miss Emma Anderson and Miss L.B. Walker described enjoyable breakfasts which they attended sponsored by Sigma Delta Epsilon. It was decided to petition the National Organization for the establishment of a chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon at the University of Nebraska. It was decided to organize for the present as the Nebraska Graduate Women’s Scientific Society. The  
following officers were elected: Dr. E.R. Walker President Miss Lulu Runge Vice President Viola Jelinek Secretary Helen Burrill Treasurer The meeting was then adjourned, the next meeting to be called by the president.

Secretary, Viola Jelinek       Minutes for the second meeting of the Nebraska Graduate Women’s Scientific Society. Temple Building Dec. 18, 1926 The meeting was called to order by our president Dr. E.R. Walker had assigned Dr. E. McEwen and Miss L. Runge to formulate a constitution. Dr. McEwen read the constitution as it was formulated. It was moved and seconded that the constitution be accepted as read. The vote was unanimous for accepting the constitution as it was presented.
A discussion followed as is what evening of each month the club is regularly to meet. It was decided to meet both at the homes of the members and at the different buildings. The majority were in favor of having ample refreshments not to exceed to articles of food. The food is to be paid for by the hostesses. After considering the possibility of the various days as a regular meeting time, it was decided that the second Thursday of each month was the most convenient. Ways of arranging for hostesses and programs were discussed. It was decided that the next meeting would be for the purpose of getting acquainted and it was suggested that those members attending the Philadelphia conference during the holidays should report. Dr. Walker was to appoint a committee to arrange the programs. The meeting was adjourned. Viola Jelinek Secretary    
Those present at the second meeting were:

Miss Esther Anderson Miss Helen Burrill Miss Emma Anderson Miss C.A. Barbour “ E.R. Walker “ Elizabeth Hartman “ Eleanor Laurie Dr. E. McEwan Miss Helen Buttery Miss Phyllis Rice Miss Viola Jelinek

    Third Meeting of the Nebraska Women’s Scientific Society Jan. 13, 1927

Those present were:

Miss Lulu Runge Miss Besse Whitney Dr. E.R. Walker Miss C.A. Barbour Dr. E. McEwan Miss L.B. Walker Miss Elizabeth Hartman Miss Viola Jelenik

The meeting was called to order. The minutes for the last meeting were read + approved. It was decided that four members would be in charge of each of the following meetings. It was suggested that two of the four be hostesses and that the other two have charge of the program. The suggestion was made, and approved by the rest of the members, that the hostesses be grouped as for as possible according to departments. A discussion followed as to how to choose members. It was decided that it would better to look up the credentials of the candidate rather than to just take the word of the department. The question came up as to whether Tuesday night might not be better than Thursday as a meeting night. Thursday night was given the preference. In case of a conflict the night can be changed. Any member knowing of a conflict is to report the conflict to the president, who will notify the hostesses, who in turn will notify all members of the change in case announcements of the meeting
have already been sent out. The secretary is to notify the president on the first Thursday of each month, to that at that time a stenographer might type notices of the meeting to be held the second Thursday to be sent to the members. The motion was made, seconded, and voted upon to allow the secretary to buy a book for the minutes. By common consent, it was decided to take $10.00 from the treasury to be paid to the national at the time of installation. It was decided that each member be taxed $2.00 to defray this expense. Miss Elizabeth Hartman gave an interesting account of the meetings she attended at the American Association for the Advancement of Science held at Philadelphia during the holidays. The meeting was adjourned. Viola Jelinek Secretary
Fourth meeting of the Nebraska Graduate Woman’s Scientific Society Temple Building Feb. 10, 1927

The meeting was called to order by the president. The minutes for the last meeting were read and approved. Dr. McEwan read a very interesting paper on Paleontology. A second paper on Insulin was read by Viola Jelinek At the close of the meeting orange ice and wafers were served. The meeting was adjourned. Viola Jelinek Secretary Members present: Miss Esther Anderson Miss L.B. Walker Miss Besse Whitney Miss Helen Burrill Miss C.A. Barbour Dr. E.R. Walker Miss Elizabeth Hartman
Miss Elanor Laurey Dr. E. McEwan Miss Helen Buttery Miss Phyllis Rice Miss Viola Jelinek                  
Fifth Meeting of the Nebraska Graduate Women’s Scientific Society Bessey Hall March 10, 1927 The meeting was called to order. The minutes for the last meeting were read and approved. It was moved and seconded to allow the two following bills:

$1.90 stenographic work. $ .85 Secretary’s book.

The vote was unanimously in favor of allowing for these bills. Miss Elizabeth Hartman gave a very interesting talk on Microchemistry. Dr. E.R. Walker exhibited a very beautiful collection of slides on Spring Flowers. The rest of the evening was spent informally. Refreshments of popcorn and apples were served. The napkins and details were carried out in Saint Patrick’s day suggestions. Members present:

Miss Esther Anderson

Miss L.B. Walker Miss Bess Whitney Miss Helen Burrill Miss C.A. Barbour (absent) Dr. E.R. Walker Miss Elizabeth Hartman Miss Ruth Meier Miss Eleanor Laurey Dr. E. McEwan Miss Helen Buttery Miss Phyllis Rice (absent) Miss Lulu Runge (absent) Miss Viola Jelinek

  Viola Jelinek Secretary

Sixth Meeting of the Nebraska Graduate Women’s Scientific Society

Home of Eleanor Laurey.
May 12, 1927

We were to have had our supper at the Auto Club Park, but a rain made us glad to accept the offer of Eleanor Laurey’s home where we had a very enjoyable indoor picnic.

The food was delicious and in great abundance. Following was the menu:

Hot bean sandwiches Beans
with bacon and
scrambled egg Potato salad


Strawberries on Angel Food Cake.

The evening was certainly a success.


The following members were present:

Miss Lulu Runge Miss Emma Anderson Miss L.B. Walker Miss Bess Whitney Miss Helen Burrill Miss C.A. Barbour Dr. E.R. Walker Miss Eleanor Laurey Miss Helen Buttery Miss Phyllis Rice Miss Viola Jelinek

Absent Members:

Miss Elizabeth Hartman Miss Ruth Meier Dr. McEwan

Viola Jelinek Secretary
Installation of the Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon.

Home of E.R. and L.B. Walker May 30, 1927

The meeting was called to order. Miss Lulu Runge read the constitution as it had been amended. It was moved and seconded that these that these amendments be accepted. Passed. The ceremony of installation was carried out with Miss Esther Anderson as the installing officer. The constitution was signed by the chapter members of the Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon. It was voted that each member be assessed fifty cents which would pay for installation expenses and the $0.25 per capita tax due to the National Treasurer. A discussion followed as to what to do with the charter. It was decided to have the charter be framed and placed in the president’s office.
The rest of the evening was spent very informally. Everybody present responded by giving a stunt. We found that many were talented musically and poetically. Refreshments of rainbow ice cream, cake, and punch were served. The meeting adjourned as the last for this school year. Viola Jelinek Secretary The following Charter Members of the Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon were initiated:

Elda R. Walker Lulu Runge Viola C. Jelinek Helen A. Burrill Doris W. Hayes Eula Davis McEwan Helen May Buttery Crawford, Neb Bess F. Whitney Carrie A. Barbour Elizabeth Hartman Seybold (?) Leva B. Walker Phyllis Rice Eleanor Candell Lowrey Esther D. Anderson (Installing Officer)

Second Meeting of the Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon Bessey Hall – Room 214 Office of Dr. E. Walker The meeting was called to order at 5 P.M. by Dr. Elda Walker. Miss Phyllis Rice was appointed Secy. pro temp. The minutes were read and corrected giving the names of the charter members initiated May 30, 1927. The purpose of the meeting was to make plans for the year’s work. Dr. Elda Walker read a letter for Dr. J. T. Calpits concerning the convention of the A. A. S. at Nashville, Tenne. in Dec., pins, and the Ellen Richards research prize, honorary membership, and election of new members. A tea was planned for [illegible] graduate women doing scientific work. We pur-      
pose having an opportunity to become acquiated. A committe [sic] was planned to ar appointed to arrange for the tea. Dr. Eula McEwan, chairman, Miss Helen Buttery and Phyllis Rice. A nominating committe [sic] was also appointed Miss Elizabeth Hartman, and Miss Carrie Barbour. Miss Esther Anderson was appointed by Dr. Calpit president of the fellowship committe [sic] to [illegible] newly form each chapter for the Fellowship fund. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M. Phyllis Rice Secy: pro temp Sept. 26, 1927  
Home of E.R. + L.B. Walker Nov. 6, 1927 The meeting was called to order by the president Dr. E. R. Walker The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved after the correction of the alst paragraph to read as follows – Announcement was made that Mis Esther Anderson had been appointed by Dr. Capity to be chairman of the Fellowship Committee. The president announced that national directories could be obtained at 10¢ each Miss Buttery presented a bill for $1.93 as expenses of the tea for graduate scientific women held in Morrill Hall and for postage. It was ordered paid. The committee on nominations reported the following:

President Dr. Eula McEwan Vice President Miss Besse Whitney Secretary Miss Phyllis Rice Treasurer Dr. L.B. Walker

The secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for these nominees.
Dr. Emma N. Anderson a charter member who was about at the time of the of the installation of the chapter was initiated. Refreshments of apples, popcorn and marshmallows were around Meeting adjourned. Leva B. Walker Secretary Pro Temp              
Dr. E. McEwan’s laboratory Morrill Hall Nov. 14, 1927. 5-6 P.M. The meeting was to order by the President Dr. E.R. Walker. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The officers for the year 1927-1928 were installed. Dr. Eula McEwan, president; Miss Besse Whitney, vice president; Miss Phyllis rice, secretary; and Dr. L.B. Walker, treasurer. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to order six copies, at the [illegible] [illegible] of the direction of the president of the absent non-[illegible] active members of Iota Chapter. A letter from Dr. Julia Calpilth was read in answer to our inquiry concerning pharmacy students she suggested that we [illegible] [illegible] of Sigma Xi. She also gave us some news [illegible] of the A. A. S. meeting
In Nashville, Tenne A motion was made, seconded, and carried to appoint a membership committee to investigate the membership qualifications of possible new members. Dr. E.R. Walker, Miss Lulu Runge, and Miss Emma Anderson were appointed. Announcement was made by the Treasurer that dues are now due, 50 cents for active membership + 50 for national dues, 50¢ for the scholarship fund and 10¢ for the directory [illegible] $1.60 total Phyllis Rice- Secretary      
Bessey Hall – Room 120 Dec. 15, 1927. 5-6 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the president, Dr. Eula McEwan. Miss Esther Anderson gave a survey of her paper. The Relation of Alfalfa Production in Nebraska to its Geographic Environment which she will present at the A.A.S. in Nashville, Tenne in Dec. A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the [illegible] of a charter to a petitioning group in New York City. A motion was made, seconded and carried that Miss Esther Anderson [illegible] presentation at the A.A.S. meeting in Nashville, Tenne. in Dec. And that Dr. McEwan notify Dr. Calpity to that effect.    
A motion was made, seconded and carried to pay any special expenses which Miss Anderson may incur in connection with ΣAE. It was decided to have a short afternoon meeting in January to hear Miss Anderson’s report of the A.A.S. Meeting and to have a social meeting later in the month. For this purpose Dr. McEwan appointed a social committee consisting of Phyllis Rice, chairman; Carrie A. Barbour, and Hellen Buttery. It was also requested by the President that each department send to the Secretary a list of possible new members to be investigated by the [illegible] committee and invited to the Jan. social meeting. Phyllis Rice Secretary