Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, John S. Marsh, Letter, 1920, May 17

John S. Marsh & Sons Hardware, Stoves, & Furnaces Ammunition & Sporting Goods
Established 1879 The Recollection of quality Remains long after the Price is Forgotten.
The Dempster and Aermoter Windmills Pumps, Pipes & Fittings Pratts Horse, Hog & Poultry Remedies Rullman Vacuum Washers Aluminum, Copper, Tin & Enameled Ware Oak & Hickory Lumber The only General Repair & Tinshop in Town
Guide Rock, Nebraska May 17th,1920. 19
Secretary of Neb, State Horticultural Society. Dear Sir, Lincoln, Neb. Enclosed plese find sample of weed of the lettuce order that seems to take the country also a narrow leaved plant that has appeared in my lawn. What are they? The narrow leaved dock is gaining great headway especially in hog pastures. Is there any law to compel the owners to cut these dock patches? I have noticed in the last week or ten days that the Baltimore Oriole or Yellow robins have returned & that they work on our cherry tree blossoms continuously hopping from spray to spray of blossoms & seem to peck or eat from each blossom. what is the condition?& are they doing any damage-I have lived at this place over 40 years & this is the first time I have observed these birds doing this thing. Refer you to Geo, A. Loveland of the Weather bureau; Let me hear from you . Yours Truly John S. Marsh