Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, C.H. Reed, Letter, 1903, Mar. 22

MAR 25 Ans’d
Comstock, Nebr.
March 22, 1903
Taxidermist Dep’t.
Unviersity of Nebr.
Dear Sirs:- I am interested in this work so write you for necessary information. I have been experimenting with wild duck and prairie chicken and wish to mount a coyote but have not the material to work with. Please send instructions, how to stuff and mount my specimens and where and how to get the eyes and what chemicals or drugs are necessary I should like to take up this
study at some future date at the university. Wild geese and duck are beginning to come and the pelicans will come soon. Prairie chickens we have the year round. In the winter time they congregate in great flock of thousand. Coyotes are numerous and on cold nights before storms we frequently hear them yelping. The robins have arrived and in the early morning the prairie chickens are “goo gooing” all about us. I live on the middle Loup river in Custer Co. This is the finest river in Nebr. It varies but little at different seasons, having nearly the same
flow during the whole year. It furnishes five water towers for milling and irrigation. Alfalfa does well, the farmers cutting it three times and get from four to nine tons per acre. I should like to take the agricultural cours at the university as I think the time is coming shortly when the agriculturalist and stockman will become the foremost citizen in the land. Please answer my questions at some length and advise me.
Thanking you in advance
I am,
[Illegible] C. H. Reed.