Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, J.S. Hunter, Letter, 1904, Jan. 25
University of California College of Agriculture Berkeley, California
Agricultural Experiment Station E. W. Hilgard, Director
Berkeley, Cal Jan 25th 1904
Prof L. Bruner Lincoln
My dear Professor:- Your letter of a few days ago was received O.K. I was glad to hear that you were only joking in your furious letter in regard to the bird question, as I had rather taken you seriously. You will find inclosed an article, that I hope may prove interesting to the members of the N.O.U. I have written it rather hurriedly, as I am quite busy with my other work, but think you will be able to decipher the manuscript. I do not think it is at all worthy of publication, but am sending it as a sort of greeting to the members of the N.O.U. Hoping that you and your family are well I remain Very truly yours J. S. Hunter