Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, C.W. Crum, Letter, 1904, May 13
W. Crumb, Co. Supt. Madison, nebr.
My Dear Sir:-I am in receipt of your interesting letter of the 9th instant. Am glad that you have taken up bird study with so much enthusiasm since I am sure that you will push this line of nature work among your teachers. You undoubtedly now see why persons like Dr. Wolcott and myself are such enthusiastic cranks when it comes to the study of birds and insects. We simply cannot help ourselves after having spent a number of years in studying these creatures.
I do not know whether Dr. Wolcott is writing you today? At any rate he has wrapped up a package of leaflets on bird protection to be sent to you for distribution among your teachers. Please push the membership in the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union as we need a little more income in order to publish as fully as possible. Yours very truly,