Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, letter, 1904, Dec. 30

Leander S. Keyser, 108 W. 3rd St., Canal Dover, Ohio.
My Dear Sir:- Yours of December 27th at hand. Only one of the young men who want to Central America remains in that country and he expects to return in the spring some time before the first of April. In case you wish to write to him you might address Mr. M. A. Carrlker, Jr. in care of the American Consul at Port Limon, C. R. I note what you say with reference to your Birds of the Rocky Mountains and will mention the fact to our librarian who if he has not already secured a copy may do so now. Since you speak of being interested in any papers from this locality I will simply mention the fact that Wolcott, Swenk and myself have recently published a new work on Nebraska birds which can be had from any of us for 75 cents. in cloth binding. Yours very truly,