Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, H.A. Surface, Letter, 1905, Jan. 20

N.B. Critchfield
Secretary of Agriculture
Enos B. Engle
Nursery Inspector
H.A. Surface, M. SC..
Economic Zoologist

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture- Division of Zoology
Harrisburg, PA.

Jan 23 Ans’d

January 20, 1905

Professor Lawrence Bruner,
The University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebraska.

My dear Professor Bruner:-
Enclosed find fifty cents (.50 ¢) in stamps for which please send me a ^paper copy of your “Birds of Nebraska”. I desire to thank you very much for the two pamphlets which you sent to me upon entomological and ornithological subjects. I shall be glad to receive all the publications that you issue upon these subjects, and shall keep your name upon our mailing list.
Very truly yours,
H. A. Surface
Economic Zoologist

Enc. 25 two-cent stamps.