Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, May 1

Prof. J. Dickinson, Weeping Water, Nebr.
My Dear Sir:- I am sorry that no one was about the department on Saturday so as to give you a Nebraska Bird Book. We had to take our regular field trip for bird work and it appears that everybody found it necessary to go along so as to supervise the observations. We have a list of fifty two birds, not including the bluejay catbird, mocking bird and other other common birds which we should have seen. I am sending you herewith a cloth bound copy of the book which you desired. It is seventy five cents. By the way, there will be a field meeting of the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union at Dunbar on Sat. the 6th instant. We will try to meet on Friday evening for a program. The Dunbarites have agreed to entertain visiting ornithologists. Can you not be present? Yours very truly,