Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Rupert E. Preston, Letter, Undated

MAY 1 Ans’d
Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir and Friend:- Received your letter. Sold my two volumes of Bendire, too heavy to pack around. Will keep “Hawks and Owls.”
Leave for Sonora, Mexico, Sunday night at 11 P.M., going into the center of the Yakui Country, plenty of trouble there and I may run into some of it.
During last year I have made a few mine examinations but have been experimenting most of the time to find a safe, effective, worm remedy, – something that will kill and expell blood-sucking worms of genus Uncinaria. Have made a new discovery in this line, and found a perfect remedy for any old worm, in any old dog, ok in man and other animals (this is [illegible]).
Remedy is now on market – “Ruffon-Wurms” – and cleared $60.00, mail order, in first month, April.
I enclose literature; if you know of a case of Wurms just advise me. Yours Very Sincerely, Rupert. E. Preston. 3035 Vine St., K. C. – Mo.