Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, T.S. ?, Letter, 1906, Dec. 13
United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Biological Survey Washington, D.C.
December 13, 1906
A.S. Abbott & Son Mount Olive Ohio
Dear Sirs: In reply to your letter of December 10, I beg to say that prairie chickens can probably be most readily obtained in the State of Nebraska. Arrangements for securing the birds can perhaps be made through Mr. George L. Carter, Chief Deputy Game and Fish Commissioner, Lincoln, or Prof. Lawrence Bruner, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The Lacey Act does not prohibit the shipment of birds from one State to another for such purpose. The only requirement is that the consignments shall be shipped in accordance with the laws of the State in which the birds were obtained. Respectfully, J. S. Jalensen In Charge of Game Preservation