Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

1903, Apr. 13

American Bird and Nature Study Chart
A Color Photographic Work for the use of Schools
38 Wabash Avenue
Chicago, April 13, 1903.

Prof. Lawrence Bruner,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Dear Sir:-
Were you to hear me go through with my canvas you would find that I refer to you as much as all other persons together, although I called upon you but three times. I am now getting out a new Bird and Nature Study Chart almost three times the size of the one you now have. I shall send you a copy as soon as the work is out. I only wish I could show you the dummy in order to get an endorsement to place in the manual which is now being prepared by Dr. Schneider of this city for the new chart. I greatly desire to have at least a word of commendation as to the new work. As there have been great improvements in color photography since the old chart was issued, and as the new chart is put on superior paper and the arrangement is more scientific, etc it is meeting with far more favor than the old one. I have made strenous use of the testimonial you gave me and find it does the work. Thanking you for past favors and trusting I shall continue to have your esteemed co-operation, I am
Yours very truly,
Jno. C. Mountjoy.

[with 1903, Apr. 13]

I have examined he Nature Study Chart, prepared by Mr. J.C. Mountjoy, with a great deal of interest. It is a beautiful chart, an ornament to any school room, and very helpful in the instruction of classes in any grade of school work. The pictures and the information concerning the animals and plants represented is reliable and scientifically arranged. I have no hesitation whatever in commending it as a valuable item in the equipment of any school. It merits a very extended use.
Very respectfully,
(Signed) N.A. Harvey
Chicago, Ill. Mar. 27, 1903

1903, Apr. 18

Berkeley California April 18, 1903
APR 21 Rec’d APR 24 Ans’d
Prof. L. Bruner, Lincoln, Nebraska
Dear Sir;-

When I left the University Summer School last July I agreed to send you back a paper on birds which had reqjuired 20 hours work. After I returned to my work at Fort Lewis I immediately took up the study of birds and we spent considerable time out of doors also we kept a bird calander for the fall migration and we had kept a spring calander. All these notes and the record of time spent in outdoor work are with my books at Fort Lewis. I was not able to continue my work and was sent to California by my physician. I am now carrying a little work in the University of California.

I hope this long delay will not prevent your giving me the credit that was to go with the work, 3 hrs. The delay was unavoidable as I was very ill.
Sincerely Yours

Louisa McDermott.
2218 Chapel Street,
Berkeley California.

1 hr.

1903, Apr. 24

The Twentieth Century Farmer
The Bee Publishing Co.,
Proprietor Charles S. Rosewater Business Manager

Omaha , 4/24/1903. Apr 25 Rec’d

Prof. Lawrence Bruner,
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir:–
Please accept our thanks for the manuscript of your special article, also for your kindness in calling our attention to F. H. Shoemaker and I. S. Trostler having some photographs from which we could make half tone pictures to illustrate your article. We expect to use this article in the special Bird Number which we will publish the latter part of May.
Yours truly,
T. F. Sturgess

1903, Apr. 25

Lincoln, Nebr., April 25, 1903.


Your favor of the 18th accompanied by paper completing work in connection with Nature Study in summer session 1902 at hand. While rather late in coming I will send in the credit to the registrar and if still allowable it will be entered in the books in your favor.

I am sorry to learn that you are or have been under the doctor’s care. Hope that you will speedily recover.
Yours very truly,

1903, Apr. 30

NEBRASKA STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE State Fair, Lincoln, Nebraska September 4 to 11, 1903
Jno. B. Dinsmore, Pres., Sutton Ed. McIntyre, Treas., Seward W. E. Ewing, 1st. Vice Pres., Franklin W. C. Caley, 2d. Vice Pres., Creighton Board of Managers C. H. Rudge, Chairman, Lincoln W. R. Miller, Loup City. Peter Younger, Jr., Geneva T. A. McKay, Aurora G. R. Williams, Irvington . . . Office of . . . Robt. W. Furnas, Sec. Brownville, Nebraska,

April 30th., 1903. May 1Rec’d May 1, Ans’d

Prof. Lawrence Brunner, Lincoln, Nebr.
My Dear Sir:-
When will the Ornithological matter you wish me to use, be ready? How many pages will it require? Will your copy be the same as late published “Proceedings of the Nebraska Ornithological’s Union”, with cuts? We will soon be ready for it.
Yours truly, Robt. W. Furnas

1903, Apr. 30

Lincoln, Nebr., May 1, 1903. s,

Board Agriculture ownville, Nebr.


Your favor of April. 305h regarding my MSS. for your annual report at hand. In reply I would state that I have thought best to furnish another instatment on our native grasshoppers since there seems to be continued grasshopper depredations in various portions of the state. Neither the legislature nor authorities connected with the State University have made any provision for work relating to insect control within the state. No funds have been provided save in connection with instructional work inside the isntitution and during the school year, hence in order to avail myself of this means of publicity, I have decided upon your report for the purpose.

If I can have about three weeks more time for the purpose of preparation I would like it, and I hope to be able to occupy not to exceed 40 to 50 pages. There will be a number of illustrations. My bird report goes to the Horticultural Society this year.

Yours very truly,

1903, Apr. 30

Apr 29 Rec’d Apr 30 Ans’d Lincoln, Nebr., April 30, 1903.
Prof. Wm. L. R. Ralph,
Curator of Bird’s Eggs, U. S. Nat. Museum,

My Dear Sir;-

Your favor of the 18th instant with reference to the exchange of a set of eggs of the White-throated Rock Swift, Aeronautes melanoleucus at hand.

While the library of the University of Nebraska is supposed to receive a compete set of Government publications these are all kept in the main library and are therefore very difficult to refer to. What I would like to have is a set of the separate papers on ornithological subjects which are still available, as well as others to follow sent to this department where they could be more accessible to students than they are at the present time.

We have 2 sets of 4, 1 of 3, and 2 of 2. Would be willing to spare one of the sets of 4. Would also try to secure an additional set or two should any of the members of the department happen to visit the region the present summer during the nesting time.

Yours very truly,

1903, Apr. 30

Smithsonian Institution
United States National Museum
S. P. Langley Secretary, Smithsonian Institution

Washington, D. C., April 18, 1903. Apr 20 Rec’d April 30 Ans’d

Professor Lawrence Bruner
Lincoln, Nebraska.

Dear Sir:
I learn through Mr. Merritt Cary that you would probably be willing to exchange a set of the White-throated Swift, Aeronautes melanoleucus, for certain publications of the National Museum. Would you mind informing me of the conditions of the specimens and what publications you desire for them? Hoping to be able to arrange an exchange to the mutual benefit of both parties, I am
Very truly yours,
William L. Ralph