Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNebraska Ornithologists’ Union
Letters, 1904, February
1904, Feb. 8
Lincoln, Nebr., Feb. 8, 1904.
Mr. Geo L. Carter, Chief Dep uty Game Warden City.
My Dear Sir;- As it is now almost time for the spring migrations to begin and in order to equip my various observers so that if necessary they may take an occasional specimen of birds without fracturing the game law, I hand you herewith a list of persons to which please issue permits as heretofore and charge the same to the University of Nebraska, enclosing the bill to me and I will see that a warrant is drawn for the same. Prof. L. Bruner, Lincoln. Dr. R. H. Wolcott, ” Mr. Myron Swenk, ” Mr. Carlos Bates, ” Mr. J. E. Wallace, Omaha. Mr. Reese heaton, Curtis Mr. August Eiche, Lincoln. Yours very truly,
1904, Feb. 9
LIncoln, Nebr., Feb 9, 1904.
Mr. J. S. Hunter, Dept. Ed., Uni of Calif. Berkeley, California
My Dear Hunter;- Yours of the 25th of January inclosing a paper on the Comparison of Bird Life in California and Nebraska came duly to hand just in time to be read at the meeting of the N. O. U. We were glad to hear from you in this way. Had a very interesting meeting and made some changes which I think will add considerably to the usefulness of the organization.
The committee on the bird protection section has been at work and has brought out some excellent ideas which are taking shape already. Just at present one leaflet of eight thousand copies is being printed for the purpose of sending it to the teachers of the state. This is to be followed shortly by two others which are now in the course of preparation.
The committee has also taken under advisement the project of receiving members among school children somewhat similarly to the Audobon societies, but in no wise connected with them. We have also decided to ask for subscribers to the annual proceedings which will hereafter be somewhat more technical than the past three have been. The popular articles and bird protection features will be sent out as leaflets. Yours very truly,
1904, Feb. 10
George L. Carter, Chief Warden E. Hunger, Traveling Deputy H.L. McConnell, Traveling Deputy W.J. O’Brien, Supt. Hatcheries
State of Nebraska Game and Fish Commission
Chief Game Warden’s Office Lincoln, Nebraska State Fish Hatcheries South Bend, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska. February 10, 1904.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, University of Nebraska. City.
Dear Sir;- Replying to your esteemed favor of the 8th relative to scientific permits, you are advised that Mr. Reece Heaton of Curtis has his permit and has paid for it. The other six will be issued as soon as we can find time to do it. Very truly yours, George L Carter Chief Deputy
1904, Feb. 12
FEB 18 Ans’d
Minden, Nebr. Febr. 12. 04.
Dear Sir:- In order to settle a dispute will you kindly settled the following question. Is there such a thing as a white blackbird. Any information on this subject will be thankfully received by Mary Kelley. Direct Minden, Nebr. c/o A. E. Johnston Box 333
Yes – Albinos
1904, Feb. 18
Lincoln, Nebr., Feb. 18, 1904.
Miss Mary Kelley, Minden, Nebr.
Yours of the 12th instant in which you ask concerning white blackbird at hand. In reply I would say that there is such a thing as a white blackbird, since we occasionally find albinoes among these birds. At present we have an albino specimen of a red-winged blackbird in the collection. A couple of years ago three specimens of the large grackle or crow blackbird were shot near here and are now in the collection of one of our bird students here in Lincoln. A number of other birds are occasionally found as albinoes, even the crow as well as an occasional robin, quail, english sparrow, prairie chicken and others. Yours very truly
1904, Feb. 23
Lincoln, Nebr., Feb. 23, 1904.
Hon. Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville, Nebr.
My Dear Sir:- A little over a week ago, I wrote that I would be able to give you a paper on birds for the Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture. Since writing you I have been comparing notes with several of the members of the Ornithologist’s Union and we have come to the conclusion that if we could have sufficient space in the report we would add synoptic tables for the determination of all our Nebraska Birds. Please let me know at an early date whether or not such an amount of space might be available. The contemplated paper could be a little shorter than the one I published in the State Horticultural Report for 1898. It would also contain notes on the food habits, distribution breeding habits, etc., making by far the most condensed treatise on Nebraska birds thus far written. Yours very truly