Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, A.F. Newel to Lawrence Bruner, 1911, May 30

Congregational Church Arthur Frost Newell, Pastor Franklin, Nebraska May 30th. 1911Prof. L. Bruner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Dear Mr. Bruner:
Your note of the 27th. inst. at hand. The boys to whom I referred as interested in birds, moths and bugs are both in one family. I give below the name and address of the one who has made the closest study of such things. He is just a young farm boy of about 14 or 15 years, rather shy, and has had some handicap with an arm which shows signs of tuberculosis. That fact has kept him much out doors by the orders of a physician, and he has developed quite a keen eye for nature. His trouble seems to be lessening. Any help or attention you may give him will put him in the seventh heaven of appreciation, and be very greatly appreciated also by his people who are much above the average in character and intelligence. It may be you can suggest some amateur periodical to which he might subscribe. I put him in the way of getting a beginners book of birds awhile ago, and he has absorbed it all and wants the next grade. His people are willing to get him books, and are able to do so. Thanking you for your interest, I remain,
Very truly yours, A. F. Newell
Address, Charles M. Chalfon, Franklin, Nebraska