Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Agnes M. Dawson, Letter, 1905, June 2

3510 Jackson St., Omaha 6/2, 1905.
Dear Prof. Bruner: Your letter of June 1 is received this evening. With regard to teachers wishing to secure birds for scientific study, it is true that occasional ones of us have sometimes rented a few birds that the Wallaces had on hand in order to place them before our classes in school as aids in Nature lessons and to help children to “Know birds”
“scientific study” on the part of the teachers as far as I know. I thank you Prof. Bruner, for the fine course of Lectures you gave here a few years ago which put me in this way of studying Birds – a subject in which I have always been interested. Most sincerely Agnes M. Dawson 3510 Jackson St. Omaha
Occasionally, too teachers have the Wallaces mount uninjured birds that are found dead. I do not know of anyone aiming to get more mountings than these. The expense of such collections for the schools would be too great for the individual pocket-books even if it were desired to slaughter birds to the extent of supplying our forty buildings. I regret to say no action has as yet been taken toward a city collection at our Library. On two recent visits which I made to the Wallace shop to identify hawks and water birds a youth named Lindberg or Lindholm who is helping D. D. Wallace, talked a good deal and repeatedly said he wished he had a permit to kill—for in this way he would be able to learn them so much faster. He has been out a couple of times this spring with two or three teachers who are just beginning the study. It is probable that his influence and the prospects of an increased revenue have been the largest factor in inducing the mild D. D. Wallace to ask for a permit. This is the extent of the