Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, American Book Company, Letter, 1903, Nov. 9

ficers Ambrose, Pres’t D C. Barnes, V. Pres’t C. P. Batt, Treas. Gilman H. Tucker, Sec’y
Directors H. H. Vail, Chairman H. T. Ambrose A. O. Barnes C. J. Barnes H. E. Barnes C. P. BattL. M. Dellman J. A. Greene A. H. Hinkle Russel Hinman W. R. Thalheimer Gilman H. Tucker
New York Cincinnati Chicago
American Book Company Publishers of School and College Text-Books 521-531 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Nov. 9, 1903
Nov 19 Ans’d
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir:- Your favor of the 6th inst. is at hand. In the circumstances named by you, we take pleasure in forwarding to you by mail or express a complimentary copy of Apgar’s Birds of the United States to replace the copy worn out by you in service.
Hopingto hear from you from time to time as we may be able to serve you, we are Very truly yours, AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. BY Thos. Ambrose.