Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, B.B. Brook, letter, 1905, Jan. 19

The State of Wyoming
Executive Department

Jan 21 Ans’d

Cheyenne, Wyo. Jan. 19th, 1905.

Prof. Lawrence Bruner,
Lincoln, Nebraska.

Dear Sir:-
A number of years ago you were up to my ranch investigating the grass-hopper question, which had grown to be a serious menace to our section of the state owing to the destruction of the range grasses.
In my recent message to the Legislature I recommended “owing to the destruction of our ranges by grass-hoppers, and the consequent serious losses to many of our stock growers” that sage chickens be protected for five years. This has raised considerable discussion in the state, and I enclose under separate cover, a copy of the Rawlins Republican containing an article about sage chickens to the effect that they do not and will not eat grass-hoppers.
I would appreciate it very much if you would immediately send me an article on this subject which I could use for publication. Our Legislature is now in session, and I would like a reply from you at the earliest possible moment.
Very truly,
BB Brooks