Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsErwin H. Barbour, Cherry County, Nebraska
Rhinoceros jaw
Original caption: “Rhinoceros jaw showing tusks before removal from quarry. Rhino quarry ½ mile north of Fred Miller’s farm house, Valentine, NE” #1142 . Cherry County. (320101-03913)
Rhino jaw excavation
Original caption: “SW portion of Rhino Quarry. Richmond at work on rhino jaw. G.R. Bunnell removing excavated sand.” #1142. Cherry County. (320101-03914)
Niobrara River, wagon
Original caption: “Niobrara River looking SW. ½ mile SW of Twin Springs (3½ mi. S. Valentine). Teamster Bunnell and Richmond in foreground” #1149. Wagon and trail along river. G.R. Bunnell seated in wagon. Cherry County. (320101-03917)
Elephant jaw
Original caption: “Upper portion, fragment elephant scap. Lower portion-projection of elephant jaw, partiall exposed. Elephant quarry 3/4 mi. SW and ½ mi. SE of mouth of Schlagel Creek, Valentine” #1149. Cherry County. (320101-03918)
Transporting Elephant Jaw
Original caption: “Transporting elephant jaw to wagon” #1149. Cherry County. (320101-03919)
Elephant Quarry
Original caption: “Canyon facing west. Niobrara river in foreground. Elephant Quarry at X. Canyon 3/4 mi. SW of mouth of Schlagel Creek.” #1149. Cherry County. (320101-03920)
Elephant Quarry
Original caption: “Elephant Quarry. Teamsters outfit in canyon below. Location: Schlagel creek” #1150. Wagon and horses at base of ridge. Cherry County.(320101-03921)
Rhino Quarry
Original caption: “Rhino Quarry. Northeast. One mile SW of C & NW RR. Steel bridge crossing Niobrara Richmond on level of quarry. Extend of exposed quarry 160 ft. Fragment of cloth skull found near right hand end of quarry” #1150. Cherry County. (320101-03922)
Camp, Niobrara River
Original caption: “Taken from ½ mile south of C & NW RR bridge, Valentine. Looking west up N Niobrara River. Camp at right center” #1151. Cherry County. (320101-03923)
Camp tents
Original caption: “Camp 500 ft. SE Twin Springs. ½ mile SW Valentine bridge. Left to right, Bunnell, Hans. Richmond.” #1152. G.R. Bunnell standing at opening of middle tent. Cherry County. (320101-03927)
Mess Camp
Original caption: “Mess camp 150 ft. from Niobrara River. from left: Bunnell, Richmond and Hans” #1152. G.R. Bunnell holding cup. Cherry County. (320101-03929)
C & NW RR Steel Bridge
Original caption: “View of C & NW RR. Steel Bridge 1500′ long, 130 ft. above river.” #1152. Horse and wagon shown in foreground of bridge. Cherry County. (320101-03930)
Snake, Fort Niobrara
Original caption: “Snake climing wire, porch of 3rd officer’s quarters, Old Ft. Niobrara” #1153. Cherry County. (320101-03931)
Sod House, Valentine
Original caption: “C.H. Paxton’s claim showing sod house 5 mi. E. and 1 mi. N. of Valentine. facing north.” #1153. Cherry County. (320101-03932a)
Homestead, Valentine
Original caption: “A.F. Richardson’s homestead claim, 5 mi. E. and ½ mi. North of Valentine Devil’s tower at extreme left. NW view” #1153. Cherry County. (320101-03932b)
Transporting Rhino Skull
Original caption: “Devil’s Tower. Richmond and Hans. transporting rhino skull to camp. Skull found at Devil’s Tower, about 30′ from top of tower.” #1153. Cherry County. (320101-03933)
Twin Springs camp
Original caption: “Cooking department in camp near Twin Springs. 3½ mi. S. Valentine. Left to right: Richmond, Bunnell, Hans” #1150. G.R. Bunnell holding towel. Cherry County. (320101-03934)
Elk, Niobrara National Game Preserve
Original caption: “Elk herd at Niobrara National Game preserve. Distant Bluffs form banks of Niobrara River.” #1154. Cherry County. (320101-03935)
Elk, Niobrara National Game Preserve
Original caption: “Another view of same” #1154. Cherry County. (320101-03936)
Bend, Niobrara River
Original caption: “Bend in Niobrara River, NE of Game Preserve. Warden Schulz and Richmond” #1154. Cherry County. (320101-03937)
Niobrara landscape
Original caption: “5¼ mi. E. Valentine. Frederick’s Peak at extreme left. Niobrara Visible near center.” #1154. Cherry County. (320101-03938)
Mastodon fossils
Original caption: “Bunnell and Richmond digging for mastodon fossils ½ mile south of C & NW RR bridge” #1146. G.R. Bunnell shown excavating. Cherry County. (320101-03987)
Sod House, Valentine
Original caption: “Sod house of M.R. Dody, about 6 miles SE of Valentine. House is 28 years old.” #1146. Cherry County (320101-03988)
Dody Farm, dinner party
Original caption: “Dinner party at the Dody Farm. Fred Miller on extreme right is owner of land on which Schlagel quarry is located.” #1146. Cherry County. (320101-03989)
Camp, Niobrara Game Preserve
Original caption: “Camp of Nebraska Geological Survey at Niobrara game preserve” #1146. Cherry County. (320101-03991)
Buffalo, Niobrara Game Preserve
Original caption: “Buffalo at Niobrara Game Preserve” #1147. Cherry County. (320101-03992)
Main street, Valentine
Original caption: “Main street of Valentine, looking north” #1145 Cherry County. (320101-04091)
Canyons, Niobrara River
Original caption: “Canyons on SE side of Niobrara River, looking Southwest” #1145. Cherry County. (320101-04092)
Schlagel Quarry group portrait
Original caption: “Schlagel Quarry. Left to right: Dr. Matthew, Stoll, Bunnell, Hans, Whitford, —?” #1145. G.R. Bunnell shown standing. Cherry County. (320101-04093)
C & NW Bridge
Original caption: “Looking north toward C & NW bridge across Niobrara. X indicates position of W. Valentine Quarry.” #1145. Cherry County. (320101-04094)
Train crossing, C&NW Bridge
Original caption: “Looking northeast toward Niobrara bridge. Niobrara River in foreground” #1145. Cherry County. (320101-04095)
Elk, Niobrara Game Preserve
Original caption: “Elk at Niobrara game preserve” #1145. Cherry County. (320101-04096)
Filling canteens
Original caption: “Hans and Bunnell filling canteen at Lansing farm, 4 miles south of Valentine” #1145. G.R. Bunnell shown. Cherry County (320101-04097)
West Valentine Quarry
Original caption: “Hans working West Valentine Quarry” #1146. Cherry County. (320101-04098)
Fording the Niobrara River
Original caption: “Nebraska Geological Survey outfit fording the Niobrara River” #1147. Cherry County. (320101-04099)
Sandhill near West Valentine Fossil Quarry
Original caption: “Sand drifting around grass. Near west Valentine Fossil quarry” #1147. Cherry County. (320101-04100)
Upstream from C&NW RR Bridge
Original caption: “Looking up-stream from west. C & NW RR bridge across Niobrara River near Valentine” #1147. Cherry County. (320101-04101)
Train Crossing C&NW RR Bridge
Original caption: “Freight train coming over bridge near Valentine” #1147. Cherry County. (320101-04102)
Snake River Canyon
Original caption: “General view looking up Snake River Canyon, toward Quarry where T. lulli was found. Valentine, Cherry Co.” #1315. Cherry County. 320101-4106)
Snake River valley and canyon
Original caption: “General view looking north. Snake River valley and canyon” #1315. Cherry County. (320101-04107)
E.F. Schramm, Valentine
Original caption: “Looking south at quarry . Schramm at work. Valentine, Cherry Co.” #1315 Cherry County (320101-04108)