Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsC. Barron McIntosh, Cass County, Nebraska
Limestone, Rock Bluff Point
Original caption: “Lower ledge of l.s. at Rock Bluff Point, so. of Plattsmouth, Nebr. Film XVII 6. 10-13-’11 NAB.” Cass County. (121111-00228)
LImestone, Cedar Creek
Original caption: “XXVI-4 NAB. Apr. 18, 1912. Massive ledge in n.w. point of bluff, East of Cedar Creek, Nebr., Part of Plattsmouth l.s.” Cass County. (121111-00230)
Limestone, Plattsmouth
Original caption: “XVIII-1 NAB. Apr. 20, 1912. Massive ledge exposed on North side of Platte R. opp. Cullom. The Plattsmouth l.s. NAB 20.” Case County. (121111-00231)
Cullom ledge, Plattsmouth
Original caption: ” NAB. Film XXIV-3 4/3 1912. Shows two upper l.s. in scarp east of Cullom. Upper is 1st above Plattsmouth l.s. Lower is upper part of Plattesmouth l.s.” Cass County. (121111-00233)
Limestone, Oreapolis
Original caption: “XXIV-5 NAB. Apr. 19, 1912. Upper l.s. in scarp west of Oreapolis. Part of Plattsmouth l.s.” 1912. Cass County. (121111-00235)
National Stone quarry
Original caption: “Ledge of National Stone Quarry, east of Louisville. 1911,” Cass County. (121111-00236)
Limestone, Weeping Water
Original caption: “8-27-6-11. Limestone blocks Weeping Water. No 1.” Cass County. (121111-00237)
Limestone, Weeping Water
Original caption: “7-27-?-11. Limestone blocks, Weeping Water. No. 2.” Cass County. (121111-00238)
Limestone, Weeping Water
Original caption: “6-27-6-11. Limestone blocks, Weeping Water, No. 3.” 1911. Cass County. (121111-00239)
Limestone, Weeping Water
Original caption: “9-27-6-11. Limestone blocks, Weeping Water, No. 4.” 1911. Cass County. (121111-00240)
Limestone, Missouri River
Original caption: “First l.s. exposed near Mo. R., level north of Weeping Water valley. Looking South. Film XVII-3. N.A.B. 10-12-11” 1911. Cass County. (121111-00241)
Limestone, Louisville, South Bend
Original caption: “Louisville & South Bend Limestones. Class studying carboniferous strat. Meadow, Nebr.” Cass County. (121111-00245)
Glacial boulders
Original caption: “Glacial boulders on land so. E. of Table Rock. GEC 1911.” Cass County. (121111-00320)
Loess hills, Plattsmouth
Original caption: “[Drift] Loess Hills, rolling phase, near Plattsmouth, Nebr. 46 L.H.” Cass County. (121111-00322)
Yankee Hill clay pit
Original caption: “14-9-09 View in [Yankee Hill Clay pit.] Cullom Gravel.” Cass County. (121111-00272)
Flint ledge, South Bend
Original caption: “The flint ledge at old quarry opp. So. Bend, Nebr. 1911” Group of men standing at base of flint ledge. Cass County. (121111-00247)
Rock ledge, South Bend
Original caption: “Ledge formerly quarried at Green’s exposure in lower part of bluffs opp. So. Bend. NAB. Oct 21, 1911” Group of men viewing and stand beneath ledge. Cass County. (121111-00246)
Original caption: “XXI-1 NAB. Second l.s. exposed at Jones Pt. reckoning from So.” Cass County. (121111-00242)
Limestone, Jone’s Point
Original caption: “XXII-1. N.A.B. Dec 2, 1911. First two l.s. below massive Jone’s Point. Upper called Fin ? Lower, G, the coral ledge. Intervening shale. 7′ ?” Cass County. (121111-00232)