Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsC. Barron McIntosh, Cherry County, Nebraska
The C. Barron McIntosh photographs and lantern slides were collected and retained within McIntosh’s records and department files. The lantern slides were most likely used as teaching slides in early geography classrooms at the University of Nebraska. The photographs and lantern slides may include those taken by George Condra (GEC, Condra) , Frank H. Shoemaker (F.H.S., FHS), and others identified by last name or initial in the captions. Other initials on the slides are “L.H.,” and “NAB,” possibly Nels A. Bengston.
Clear Lake
Original caption: “Clear Lake, Cherry Co. July 1911 F.H.S.” Cherry County. Frank H. Shoemaker (121111-00082)
Grass landscape
View of grassland prairie, possibly near Hackberry Lake. Cherry County. (121111-00070)
Sod house
Original caption: “Cherry Co. “Soddy” Now nearly obsolete. F.H.S. July 1911.” Three men outside of small soddy, with some cattle and water basin. Cherry County. Frank H. Shoemaker (121111-00059)