Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Chas. W. Metz, Letter, 1904, Sept. 21

L. Bruner. Dear sir-: I don’t know just how to begin this as I don’t suppose you remember me. I am a kid that was at the University last winter along about the middle of march & I was down to see you a couple or three times about birds and you seemed quite interested in the birds in this country and said you might come out here by Sheridan and explore around
louds peak or somewhere near here. If that trip materializes and you would drop me a line I might be able to help you or if you still think I would not be any bother I might go along. I see by the “Oologist” that you had a trip after the “White Throated Swifts” with success and I hope you can come out here soon. Yours truly Chas. W. Metz