Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsEdith Schwartz Clements
Letters, 1911
Sept. 19, 1911
I support, when you read this you will have seen nothing but “seascapes” for two or
three days. Perhaps the sight of so much wetness will begin to pall , so I shall send
you a glimpse of a nice dry landscape to feast your eyes upon.
And for fear you should be lonesome for your beloved Rockies, I shall send a little scene which seems to have its setting there.
Perhaps you would like to see some real land animals again. These two are as nice
ones as I can find.
I wonder how you are spending your time. I imagine Dr. F.E. is evolving a project to study the vegetation of the slimy, oozy sea-bottom and to
make quadrats down among the sea cucumbers & sea lettuce & things — which are vegetable
in name, anyway
And Dr. E — I suppose she is wondering if there might not be more leaves to conquer
(& make beautiful sections of —) down in the shallower spots near shore.
Now I wonder if you are going to Edinburgh this summer. If you should — my uncle Percy (Waugh) and his family live there, and if you had an opportunity to look them up,
I know they would be very much delighted to see both, and perhaps they could be of
some assistance to you in a “strange countree.” My cousin Muriel graduated from
Edinburgh “U” a year or so, ago & one or two of the boys are there now. So I know they would
be very glad, indeed, to meet an American Professor & “Professoress.” Their address
in 21 Cluny Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland. Papa will write to them today, so they will know that you may come. I should have
asked you before if you were going to Edinburgh and spoken of this, but you were “imprisoned” so long & I saw you such a short time,
afterward, that I failed to do so.
I saw “Riar Ann” just before I came home, & she said that she had forgotten to give
you any remembrance, and so asked me to send you her photo, so you will not forget
her. She also sends her most affectionate meow.
Finnally I send you this professorial picture, so you will not forget Minnesota
Dr. F.E. said I might stay at the “V” if I behaved. Does this letter count as misbehavior
— or don’t I have to behave to till next fall? C. W.