Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Elizabeth Van Sant, Letter, 1903, May 12
716-717-718 New York Life
Building Omaha, Nebraska, May 9, 1903.
May 11 Rec’d
May 12 Ans’d
Prof. Lawrence Bruner.
Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Mr. Bruner:
I have been requested by the Audubon Society of Omaha to write to you in regard to the feasibility of preparing a list of Nebraska birds similar to that used by the Massachusetts society, copy of which I enclose, for use of the members of the Audubon Society. I know how great an assistance a list of that kind would be to a young bird student. Your list of Nebraska Birds is invaluable, but of course would not be available to the army of young people who are taking up the study. Such a list would not have to include any of the doubtful species, and would not in any sense need to be authoritative. Do you not think that it would be safe to take the list contained in your Nebraska Birds, with possibly a few slight alterations? And would it be too much trouble to ask you to indicate any alterations which you think should be made? I am sorry to be so troublesome, but I could not very well refuse to write for them.
Give my kind regards to Mrs. Bruner and the girls. I remember with grateful appreciation your entertainment of me at a time when Mrs. Bruner was recovering from her illness. I can not help wondering if “Puggy” is still her faithful guard, or if he has gone the way of all good dogs.
Sincerely yours.
Elizabeth Van Sant