Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, G.A. Young, Letter, 1904, May 12
J. L. Greene, M. D., Superintendent Albert D. Gilmore, Steward J. T. Hay, M. D., First Ass’t Physician Mabel Dunn, M. D., Second Ass’t Physician G. A. Young, M. D., Pathologist Nebraska Hospital for the Insane Asylum, Nebr. 5 – 12 – 04 MAY 13 Ans’d Professor Bruner State University Lincoln Dear Sir Wishing to interest myself during the coming summer in a study of birds about this neighborhood, I am anxious to obtain some book or books which will be of assistance to me in this form of recreation, and hence am writing to you to ask for your advice and assistance. If you will help me in this matter, I shall consider it a real favor. Yours very respectfully G. A. Young