Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, G.N. Aulabaugh, Letter, 1906, Aug. 9
1407 Douglas St. Telephone B-2221
Omaha, Neb. August 9th, 1906.
Prof. Lawrence Brunner, Lincoln, Nebr. Dear Sir: I have written to-day to Chief Warden Carter asking for a permit to kill some of the protected birds and I wish to see if it is possible to get your help in securing the permit. I am endeavoring to mount a collection for the free use of the schools here. My intentions are to loan one speciman at a time to each class. This is not a money making scheme as I get absolutely no income. I am only doing it in the interest of the birds. I go on the theory that we can save more birds by educating the boys and interesting them in bird studies than we can by legislation. Mr. Lawrence Skow is in charge of my taxidermy department, and as you know him and his work you will feel certain that no specimens will be lost through carelessness or incapability. I have been in business here for a number of years and most any of the business men of this city will vouch for my honesty and integrity. Thanking you in advance for anything you may be able to do for me in this matter, I remain, Yours respectfully, G. W. Aulabaugh