Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Geo. M. Paines, Letter, 1905, Jan. 13

Railroad Young Men’s Christian Association Harry J. Schley, General Secretary W.J. Gould, Physical Director
Chadron, Nebraska, Jan 13, 1905
Prof. L. Bruner, – Univ of Nebr. Lincoln, Nebr. Dear Prof. – Enclosed you will kindly find one dollar in payment for my permit for this current year. Mr. Carter advised me to put it in in this manner.
J. W. Good, President W. A. Allberry, Vice-President L. W. Gorton, Recording Secretary C. M. Keith, Treasurer
Railroad Young Men’s Christian Association Harry J. Schley, General Secretary W. J. Gould, Physical Director
I am constantly enjoying this country greatly. I had not had opportunity to do much work along bird lines but hope to get out for more rambling later. I am sorry not to be able to get into any of the Om. Soc. meetings this winter but will be back before long. Thanking you for your many favors I am Yours very sincerely, Geo M P [illegible] Chadron N.B. If you care for anything from this part let me know. Geo.