Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Geo. Wm. Hill, Letter, 1903, Feb. 25
Division of Publications
Washington, D. C.
H. C. Geo. Wm. Hill, Editor and Chief.
Jos. A. Arnold, Associate Editor.
B. D. Stallings, Assistant Editor.
R. B. Handy, In Charge Document Section.
Feb 28 Rec’d
March 5 Ans’d
February 25, 1903.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner,
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir:
Upon the recommendation of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Chief of the Division of Biological Survey, I have to-day instructed the Southern Printers’ Supply Company, 304 Tenth Street, N. W., this city, to make, from the original cuts furnished by this Department, electrotypes of the following twenty-five illustrations of birds, and to send the same to you together with their bill:
Cuckoo – yellow-bill, robin, bluebird, chicadee, brown thrasher, catbird, house wren, meadowlark, bobolink, redwing blackbird, Baltimore oriole, blue jay, kingbird, phoebe, goldfinch, song sparrow, field sparrow, lark sparrow, dickcissel, mockingbird, and shrike – great northern.
Please sign the accompanying circular and return it to this office as soon as you have received the cuts. It shows the form of credit to be given for the use of the illustrations, which, I understand, are to be used in a special report you are now preparing for the State Horticultural Society on “The Relationship of Some of our Birds to Horticulture.”
Very respectfully,
Geo. Wm Hill