Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, H.A. Surface, Letter, 1905, Jan. 14

Department of Agriculture Division of Zoology Harrisburg, PA.
January 14, 1905
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Entomologist, Nebraska Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb.
My dear Sir:- I write to ask if you will kindly send me a copy of your “Preliminary Review of the Birds of Nebraska’. I have always prized your publications, and this will be of great service to me in the work of this office, as well as for my students. I presume you are receiving the Monthly and Quarterly Bulletins issued from this office. If not, I shall be glad to send these to you regularly. Thanking you for the favor I ask and for such other publications as you may issue upon zoological subjects, I beg to remain. Very truly yours, H.A. Surface Economic Zoologist