Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, J.B. Redfield, Letter, 1904, June 22

Klopp & Bartlett Co. Printing, Lithographing Designing, Engraving and Blank-Book Making
Office Stationery Bank Supplies
Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 364.
Omaha, Neb. June 22, 1904
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir: We are forwarding you by express final proof of your article for the State Board of Agriculture report and have written Mr. Furnas in regard to the extra copies. Kindly advise him as to the quantity.
You can readily understand that we wish the order to come from Mr. Furnas as it is our understanding that he is to see in regard to payment of same.
It has been called to my attention that you have marked in accented letters and we advise you that we cannot furnish these, inasmuch as they do not come with any font of type and it would take some time to get the matrices and it would be a big expense to you to secure same for this article.
The style you insisted upon in this article has made the work very difficult and we have advised Mr. Furnas that we will expect extra compensation for same.
Kindly return proof as soon as possible, and oblige, Yours very truly, Klopp & Bartlett Co. J. B. Redfield Sec’y.