Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, J.B. Redfield, Letter, 1904, May 4

Klopp & Bartlett Co. Printing, Lithographing Designing, Engraving and Blank-Book Making
Office Stationery Bank Supplies Cor.
10th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 364.
Omaha, Neb. May 4, 1904
Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith please find sample of type matter the way we intend running same. You will note that, for instance in No. 607, we have placed “Piranga ludoviciana” in black face type and “Wilson” in parenthesis, in caps and lower case and “Louisiana Tanager” in capital letters and small caps.
Our machines will not admit of using the italic with other faces and we would ask that if this is O.K., that you kindly approve and return to us immediately that we may go ahead with same.
In regard to the extra 500 copies you wished us to print and have the State pay for same, will say that they will not do this and it will be impossible to do this under our present contract, however the 500 copies that you wished a price on in cloth and the 500 copies in paper, we will be very pleased to give you our best price on these as soon as we get your report in type and see how much it will make.
We regret exceedingly that the State cannot see their way clear to furnish you the extra copies.
Kindly return this proof as soon as possible, and oblige, Yours very truly, Klopp & Bartlett Co. J. B. Redfield
J. B. R.