Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, J.B. Redfield, Letter, 1904, May 6

Klopp & Bartlett Co. Printing, Lithographing Designing, Engraving and Blank-Book Making
Office Stationery Bank Supplies
Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 364.
Omaha, Neb. May 6, 1904
Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln, Nebr.
Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry for price on printing and binding your report after we have used same in the annual report of the State Board of Agriculture, we are pleased to quote you as follows:
1M books, printed on 25 x 38, 60 lb, S.& S.C., containing 100 pages, bound in paper cover, 20×25, 50 lb….$118.50
Should you wish to order 500 bound in cloth and 500 in paper, price would be $198.00
Trusting that this will meet with your approval and awaiting your reply, beg to remain, Yours very truly, KLOPP & BARTLETT CO. J. B. Redfield
J. B. R.