Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, J.L. Sloanaker, Letter, 1904, Apr. 26
Carthage, Ill. 4 – 26 – 04
APR 28 1904
Lawrence Bruner Dear Sir: Your letter received recently. To cash tied up in back Proceedings, I can help you out by taking Nos I & II and index if you will make me a good figure. I have spent this school year at Carthage College our church school, and have not made plans for next year. No one of the Profs. at the College are interested in Ornithology. If I should ever come to the Uni. I would not care so much to be helped with expenses as much as to have access to big collections, libraries, to meet personally the Ornithologists & perhaps accompany them in collecting trips for the Univ. Yours Respectfully, J. L. Sloanaker.