Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, J.W. Elwood, Letter, 1906, Sept. 22

The Northwestern School of Taxidermy Incorporated Capitalization $10,000. Fully Paid.
Taxidermy Taught by Correspondence . . . Dealers in Naturalists’ Books and Supplies . . .
Omaha, Neb. Sept, 22, 1906. Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln, Nebr. SEP 24 Ans’d
Dear Sir: I thank you very kindly for the information concerning the specimen submitted to you. I take the liberty of asking for information regarding another specimen. I enclose herewith drawing and information concerning a bird. Same was sent to us by one of our students in the Philippine Islands. I am unable to find this bird in any of the books available, although I have seen one or two dried skins. I believe it is a Tucan but am unable to classify it so that I can reply satisfactorily, As I remember, in the specimens which I saw, the upper part of the head is a hollow cavity, closely resembling a cell; and the story comes to me that this is a sort of a drum on which the bird beats with such noise that it can be heard for a considerable distance. I hope that I am not intruding too much on your time in asking you to reply giving me such information as you can concerning this specimen. Thanking you in advance, I am Very respectfully yours, J. W. Elwood Mgr. Dic. R.W. – E.
Hornbill About 75 species – Africa, India & Australasia north of Australia