Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, Jonathan Dwight, Letter, 1904, October

Founded 1883.
Incorporated 1888.

Jonathan Dwight, Jr., Treasurer
2 East 34th Street,
New York City

New York, October, 1904.

To the Members of the American Ornithologists’ Union:
The American Ornithologists’ Union ought to have a much larger membership list and if you will make it a personal matter and send the enclosed blanks to persons who are desirable as members, I feel sure that our organization will be greatly benefited.
While it is true that “The Auk” is now self-supporting, it might be made a much better magazine if, with increased membership, our funds were sufficiently ample to enlarge and improve it, especially with colored illustrations.
Our growth as a Society has been somewhat slow, because the gain in members each year is largely offset by those who drop out, but it ought to be possible nowadays, when so many persons are interested in nature study, and particularly in the study and protection of birds, to add largely to our ranks.
I hope you will sign and distribute the enclosed forms to those who are likely to be interested, and kindly see that all are returned to me not later than November 15th. More will be furnished if you can use them.
Yours very truly,