Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, L.C. Sabine, Letter, 1905, June 16

Arthur C. Smith, Pres. Ward M. Burgess, Vice-Pres. F. M. Smith, Sec. and Treas.
Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Duck Clothing Manufacturers, Importers, and Jobbers
11th and Howard Streets. Jun 23 Ans’d
Omaha, Neb., 6-16 1905
Rob’t H. Wolcott Lincoln Neb. Dear Sir I being interested in Ornithology and am making a scientific study or fame. I write you to-day to ask you the favor of assisting me in getting a Permit from the State game Warden for collecting specimens of birds for scientific purposes, if you remember in 1900 you wrote me you wished to examine my collection and I wrote you and you came out to my house and looked them over you remember I had most of the Skow Collection and many of the specimens were of my own collection of scientific skins, so from seeing them you can tell if they are got up in a scientific manner. I only wish to collect
M. E. Smith & Company, Incorporated
Arthur C. Smith, Pres. Ward M. Burgess, Vice-Pres. F. M. Smith, Sec. and Treas.
Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Duck Clothing Manufacturers, Importers, and Jobbers
11th and Howard Streets. Jun 23 Ans’d
Omaha, Neb.,
these for studying the work and thoroughly acquainting myself with the birds. You may be do not remember me, as I only met you the day you were at the house, and 2 or three times at the meetings of the Nebraska Ornithologist Union. Can refer you to I. S. Trostler Skow, Wallace or any of our Ornithologists here, hoping to hear from you soon and thanking you in advance I remain Yours truly L. R. Sabine c/o M. E. Smith & Co. Omaha Neb.
Dear Prof. Bruner- This may be used as a basis for getting hold of Skow’s skins or the most valuable of them. I refer Sabine to you & have written him that if you secure a permit it would be with the understanding that he represented the Univ. & you would probably expect him to collect for us. I
would suggest he be given the permit and told was indebted to the Univ. to the amount of a number of skins. Then later when some of us are in Omaha we can go up and see his collection, and especially if he has sent none to the Univ., urge that he give some valuable as matter of record to the N. O. U. records collection. Very sincerely, Robt. H. Wolcott.
June 22, ’05