Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, Jan. 2
Jan. 2, 1903.
Dr. W. H. Valway
38 Miles Park
Cleveland, Ohio.
My dear Sir:-
Your favor of December 19th addressed to Dr. Benjamin Andrews has been referred to me for reply.
The state has not published anything in the way of a catalogue or other work on the ornithology of Nebraska, but some years ago I made a report of our birds that was published in the Annual Report of the State Horticultural Society, however, I think this paper is now out of print. The Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union has published three annual proceedings which can be obtained for $1.50. Aside from this method of securing them they might be obtained from a member who was willing to go into his pocket by and buy the same. The horticultural report which contained my report was the one for 1895. By writing the secretary of this society, C.H. Barnard, Table Rock, Nebr. you would be able to learn whether or not copies still remain.
Very truly yours,