Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, Jan. 29
Jan. 29, 1903
Mr. Lecander S. Keyser,
723 South 5th St.,
Atchison, Kansas
My dear Sir;-
In reply to your favor of Jan. 22 will say that at present I know of no way in which you could become associated with any expedition for working in Central America. Just a few days ago two of my students left here for that region where they expect to be engaged in Natural History collecting for a period of two or more years. You might obtain some information from them by addressing either M. A. Carriker, Jr., or J.D. Crawford, Jr., Puntarenas, Costa Rica Central America.
I note what you say with reference to the preparation of a popular book on the birds of that region and think it might be a very good thing should it be written and published. I have not seen your book on “The Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region”, but imagine that it a very interesting work. Our funds here at the University of Nebraska are rather limited and we cannot, therefore, buy every work on birds that appears.
Very truly yours,