Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, Jan. 7
Lincoln, Nebr. Jan. 7, 1903.
Margaret Read, New York City.
Dear Miss:-
I am pleased to have your favor of the 4th instant before me, for it shows that t [sic] least one more person than I already know of is interested in the furthering of bird tudy [sic] in the state.
I very much like your idea of starting a typical collection of birds mounted and rranged [sic] so as to make it of the greatest use in furthering the study of these creatures. y [sic] all means use our Nebraska birds for the purpose; and start with the commoner and best arked [sic] kinds.
A Mr. J. E. Wallars of 605 So. 13th St., Omaha, has a fairly good assortment of ell [sic] mounted birds on hand. Besides he is a good workman and could add others if it would e [sic] desired.
By the way, why not become an associate member of the Nebraska Ornithologist’s Union and receive the publications of this organization? The annual dues are but 50 cents, and the publications of the proceedings are worth fully that sum.
Yours very truly,