Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, June 18
Lincoln, Nebr., June 18, 1903.
Mr. Wm. Dutcher,
525 Man. Ave. N. Y.
My Dear Sir:-
I am in receipt of your favors of the 9th and 13th instants and also the electrotypes of the night hawk, mourning dove, and meadow lark. As I am about to hand the MSS/ to the printers I may be able to return the electrotypes in a month or so according to the hustle the printers get on themselves. However being state work they may drag it along using it as sort of a filler and take all summer to do it. At any rate just as quick as possible I will return them to you and if in the meantime you will notify me of the expense that you have been to I will see that the same is remitted to you by the Secretary of the Horticultural Society.
Yours very truly,