Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, June 24
Lincoln, Nebr., June 24, 1903.
Miss Joy Higgins,
544 S. 13th St.
Omaha, Nebr.
Dear Madam;-
Yours of the 19th instant at hand. In reply I would say that there is no condensed leaflet giving provisions of the game law of the state, but I am sending you a couple of copies of the entire law as published for distribution by the office of game Warden. This pamphlet was printed two years ago but our last legislature made no changes whatever in the law so it is complete up to date. In one of the copies I have maked that portion relating to the taking of bird eggs also of killing of song birds and those recognized as gmae birds.
I have spoken to Game Warden Simkins concerning the alleged permit issued to Frank Perkins of 4102 Lincoln, Blvd., Omaha, and he tells me that no such permit has been issued. I have also told him what you write concerning Mr. Paul Hoagland and the taking of bird eggs. He promises to lock up the matter the next time he is in Omaha, which will no doubt be some day this week. I suppose he will come to you for some information. I am sending you two hundred copies of my special bulletin on bird protection. They cost about 25 cents per hundred, but if you will send me the amount used for postage and will promise to circulate them where they will do the most good, there will be no charge. Any time when you find infractions of the Nebraska game laws which of course include all birds, you will do a favor by notifying the Game Warden of the same.
Yours very truly,