Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, Mar. 25
Mr. C. H. Reed,
Comstock, Nebr.
My Dear Sir:-
Your favor of the 22 instant at hand. In reply would advise you to secure a copy of some manual on taxidermy in which the methods of proceedure and the kinds of preservatives that are generally used are described. Since our new law protecting the bird life of the state was passed two years ago we have not taught taxidermy here at the University since we believe that birds are too valuable to be killed for almost any of the ordinary purposes for which they are generally used.
Bird’s and mammals eyes are to be had from various natural history supply stores in the east. Mr. Charles K. Reed, of Worchester, Mass. or The Kay-Scheerer Co., Natural History Department, New York City. The first is perhaps the best and can also furnish the manual on taxidermy.
I see by your letter that you are interested in the study of our birds. Would suggest that you become a member of the Nebraska Ornithologist’s Union- a state society formed for the purpose of studying our birds. There are now about 200 members in this organization and it is publishing each year a nice proceedings in which various members have written up some particular group of Nebraska birds, or treated some feature of their lives, habits, distribution, food-habits nesting etc. It so happens that none of the members are located in your vicinity.
I trust that you will be able to attend the Agricultural school or even the University.
Yours very truly,