Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, May 12

Lincoln, Nebr., May 12, 1903.
th Van Sant,
ha, Nebr.
Your letter concerning the check list of Nebraska birds for the use of the Audubon Society has been received and discussed by Wolcott and myself. Owing to the fact that we have so many more species of birds than Massachusetts we have thought it best to prepare separate lists for eastern and western Nebraska. Of course these two lists would necessarily have to include certain common species, but in other respects would differ so as to conform to the regions covered. There should also be a certain number of blanks left for rare birds not listed.
We will try to send you the names for this list, as we would make them, in the course of a few days.
With kindest regards to yourself and yours I remain,
Very truly yours,