Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, May 14

Mr. Arte Folsom M.D.
Beatrice, Nebr.
My Dear Sir:-
Allow me to thank you for your favor of the 11th instant, in which you speak of having sent a copy of my little leaflet on bird protection to the sporting editor of the Omaha World Herald. As you suggest, this is one of the very best methods to bring bird protection before the people, and I think we are doing this very thing quite rapidly here in Nebraska.
The Yellow-headed Blackbird is one of our most attractive Nebraska birds, and is fairly common in portions of the state. It breeds about sloughs where there are plenty of round rushes and weaves a sort of basket-like nest among them. The sand-hill region northward and westward seem to be their preferable breeding region. Like all other species of blackbirds they are great destroyers of grasshoppers and caterpillars.
By the way if you go to the Beatrice public library you can examine a file of the Proceedings of the Nebraska Ornithologist’s Union and see from them the style of work that is being done by this organization.
Yours very truly,