Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, May 19

Miss Elizabeth Van Sant,
Omaha, Nebr.
Dear Friend;-
As promised a few days ago I now send you herewith the names of birds that I think should be included in a list for the state Audubon Society. As you will observe there are 290-quite too many for a single list to place in the hands of Audubon Society members. Still it is quite a difficult matter to pick out a list that would be good for anywhere in Nebraska without including about all the forms which I have named. If two lists could be made neither one of these would need to include over 200.
My idea of such a list is to have it include at least one-third of such forms as would make the observer do some studying in order to be sure as to his records. If only the very common and well-marked forms are given but little or no real interest would be developed. One unknown bird if worked out will develop a dozen times as much interest as a bird already known to the observer.
I suggest that you and Mr. Shoemaker select from this list such birds as your experience will dictate, and return my list. I ask this because of the fact that I have no funds for a stenographer this year and it takes too much “main strength and awkwardness” to prepare these in duplicate by hand.
I suppose Mr. Shoemaker is feeling quite elated over the prospects of his and Wolcotts Cherry county trip. Wolcott is quite as pleased as a boy would be with his first pair of red-topped boots. Wish that I could be one of the party myself, but the fates decree otherwise.
Very cordially yours,