Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1903, May 4 (3)
Lincoln, Nebr., May 4, 1903.
Dr. S. R. Towne,
Omaha, Nebr.
My Dear Doctor;=
Your favor of the 2nd instant at hand. I am certainly interested to see what the outcome of the meadow-lark and reverend gentleman affair will be. Up to the present time I do not believe there has been a single conviction in a case of song-bird or insectivorous bird killing, while there have been numbers of convictions of infractions of the game-bird and fish taking of the same law.
I have communicated with the office of the game and fish commissioner and suggested the advisibility of pushing the case to the utmost. It seems a pity however, that the reverend gentleman from Omaha is to be the first to receive attention in this matter but there must be a beginning.
We hope to have a meeting of a special committee from the Nebraska Ornithologist’s Union with reference to an Audubon section of this organization, but most of us here at the State Unviersity have been too busy with routine work to look after matters of this kind. We also have a committee to meet with the sportsmen of the state regarding a “game-bird” meeting of the N. O. U.-the object being the publishing of a proceedings on our game birds.
Yours very truly,