Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1904, Apr. 21

Mr. J. L. Sloanaker, 397, Carthage, Ill.
My Dear Sir;- Your card of recent date addressed to Mr. Eiche of this city has fallen into my hands. So near as I can tell at present the next Proceedings of the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union will be printed some time during the summer or early fall, though we are now short of funds, having something like $400 tied up in back Proceedings. These we have decided to place on sale for which we hope to obtain sufficient funds to publish our next number, which will contain the proceedings of meetings 4 and 5.
By the way, Dr. Robt. H. Wolcott tells me that he has had some correspondence with you in the past concerning attendance at this institution. While I cannot definitely guarantee a position in connection with the department of Entomology and Ornithology by which a student might earn all or part of his expenses, the chances are very good for the right person, since I have had so many requests for men to fill positions in these lines that I was unable to supply the demand. During the past year four of my advanced students have secured positions bringing them from $1000 to $1200 a year and expenses, or what is practically the same thing. I am now looking around for another set to take their place. Wiht kindest regards, I remain, Yours very truly,