Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1904, Apr. 27 (2)
Miss Edith Tobbit, Librarian Omaha Public Library. Omaha, Nebr.
My Dear Madam;- Yours of the 16th addressed to Prof. J. A. Barrett of the State Historical Society has been referred to me. In reply I am able to inform you that there is now a complete revision of my former paper on Nebraska Birds in the hands of the printer. It has been very carefully prepared and instead of being a mere record of their occurence, will be a complete write up of the different birds reported from within our borders or any where near them. It also contains synoptic tables by the aid which any bird can be determined. It is to be printed along with the annual report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. For the convenience of bird students and librarians an arrangement will be made whereby the bird paper can be obtained separate from the other part of the report. For this separate it will be necessary to charge about .50 cents for paper bound and .75 for the cloth bound copies. We expect this to be ready for distribution about the middle of June or the first of July. Yours very truly,