Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1904, Apr. 27

Mr. L. Skow. Florence, Nebr.
My Dear Mr. Skow;- Mr. Wolcott, Swenk and myself have been going over my notes on Nebraska’s Birds and other records for the purpose of getting out an entirely new paper on birds. In doing so we have come across several records made by yourself of certain birds concerning which we would like to have a little more definte information. If you will kindly inform me when and where I could meet with you to go over such points, I would consider it a great favor. In this second Nebraska Birds we wish to be so careful that no errors shall appear. This second paper contains tables for determining each species and the exact status of each bird recognized as a Nebraska species is briefly noted so that one may know when it arrives, whether it breeds, comparative abundance, exact district, etc., making the little book a very desirable one for bird students of the state. It is now in the hands of the printer and any changes to be made must be attended to at the time of proof reading, possibly inside of two weeks. Hoping that you will have sufficient interest in the subject to give me the desired information at an early date, I remain, Yours very truly,