Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1904, Feb. 9

Mr. J. S. Hunter, Dept. Ed., Uni of Calif. Berkeley, California
My Dear Hunter;- Yours of the 25th of January inclosing a paper on the Comparison of Bird Life in California and Nebraska came duly to hand just in time to be read at the meeting of the N. O. U. We were glad to hear from you in this way. Had a very interesting meeting and made some changes which I think will add considerably to the usefulness of the organization.
The committee on the bird protection section has been at work and has brought out some excellent ideas which are taking shape already. Just at present one leaflet of eight thousand copies is being printed for the purpose of sending it to the teachers of the state. This is to be followed shortly by two others which are now in the course of preparation.
The committee has also taken under advisement the project of receiving members among school children somewhat similarly to the Audobon societies, but in no wise connected with them. We have also decided to ask for subscribers to the annual proceedings which will hereafter be somewhat more technical than the past three have been. The popular articles and bird protection features will be sent out as leaflets. Yours very truly,