Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1904, July 30
Carles C. Bates Merriman, Nebr.
My Dear Bates:- Yours of June 28th came duly to hand while I was away and in the letter writing that has been done since it has gradually settled to the bottom of the pile. Now before another trip I will try to take it up. Am glad that you still have some interest in birds. Of course I know that in surveying work one does not feel much like taking up side issues. Your bird is undoubtedly the Traill flycatcher although the location of the nest is not the usual one for that bird. “kesick” is the common note for this bird. Those of us who have stayed here in Lincoln continue to still exist. Our bird book is not yet ready for distribution but just as soon as it is available we will send you a copy. With regards from all to yourself, I remain, Yours very truly,